“Innovative Project Delivery Methods for Renewing America’s Water Infrastructure”, June 14, 2018 Sponsored by the ABA Forum on Construction Law, led presentation and panel discussion.
“Integrated solutions for America’s aging water infrastructure”, Author, ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources Trends March/April 2018
“Understanding Different P3 Delivery Approaches”, P3 Water Conference, San Diego Ca., April 2018, led presentation and panel discussion.
“A New Approach to Water for Hampton Roads Cities”, by James T. Lang and Christopher Kane, VIRGINIA LAWYER, April 2017, Vol. 65, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SECTION, pg 26
“Life Cycle Collaborative Conflict Management for Public Infrastructure Projects”, By Kurt Dettman and Chris Kane, ACResolution, Summer 2013
“The Future of the Engineering & Construction Industry: Greater Integration and Collaboration,” Presented at ABA Forum on Construction Fall Meeting, Wash. DC, Sept 2013;
“Collaborative Use of Technical Experts For Environmental and Construction Dispute Resolution”, by Chris Kane, pg 171, Alternatives, CPR/Jossey-Bass, December 2013;
“Use of PPPs in the US to Develop, Finance and Operate Infrastructure Projects”, Presented at American Bar Association Forum on Construction Annual Mtg, Austin, April 2010;
George Mason Univ., Graduate School in Public Private Partnership Policy, Guest Lecturer Delivering Water Infrastructure with Public Private Partnerships (P3s), November 2016;
Lorman Educational Programs, On-line program, “Resolving ‘Water Wars’: Use of Mediation and Collaboration in Stormwater Conflicts”, May 2015;
Columbia University, School of Engineering, Masters Program in Const. Admin., NYC – Lecture on “Public Private Partnerships for Financing and Developing Infrastructure” Nov 2012;
Federal Publications Seminar “Innovative Contracting & Financing for Public Projects”, Washington, DC and Reno, NV, organized, planned, presenter for two day seminar 1998 & 99;
Federal Publications Seminar “Legal Aspects of Differing Site Conditions in Government Contracts”, organized, planned, and presenter for two (2) full day seminar, 1998;
“Alternative Dispute Resolution”, Chapter 11, Co-author New York Construction Law, Aspen Publications, 2003;
“Innovative Finance for Infrastructure Projects”, Federal Publications, Const. Briefings Aug. 1998;
“Sharing Risks for New Energy/Efficiency Projects – Parts 1 and 2”, Co-author, Cogeneration and Competitive Power Journal, Vol.15 No. 1, 2000;
“Energy Solutions with Performance Based Contracts”, Author, 18th World Energy Engineering Congress Proceedings, November 8-10, 1995, Atlanta, Ga;
“Electricity and the Environment: Evaluating the Alternatives”, Author, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Vol.12 No.1 1992;
“Managing Project Risks Through a Teambuilding Approach” Section 4: Finance, Chapter 23, Utility and Independent Power: Concept for a New Millennium, Author, The Fairmont Press 1997;
“The Clean Water Act Amendments – Storm Water Update,” Author FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCIETY JOURNAL, July 1992.
Services Provided |
Strategic Planning |
Team Building |
Project Development |
Negotiation of Agreements |
Performance Monitoring |
Education and Training |
Conflict Resolutions |